Concerning Discipline

abandaoned Gym, Kluszkowce, 09.2017
Concerning Discipline is an inquiry into fascist body ideals. It asks about the physical architecture of fascism, asks about its structures inside and outside the body. And it shakes them; shakes them until fissures open up – chasms of exhaustion and fragility opposing the fascist logic, laying bare its inherent violence.
Working with and against video-material of Olympia, a film produced by Leni Riefenstahl in 1936, the performance processes comparison, idealization, the beauty of the body, and the exhaustion it carries. In all of Riefenstahl’s work, bodies are depicted in their most perfect appearance. Throughout the durational performance of Concerning Discipline the physical ideal as presented by Riefenstahl is contrasted with the physical realities of the performers.
choreography, performance: Charlie Ebert, Martyna Tokarska, Nora Tormann // artistic advice: Borjana Gakovic // fotos: Axel Lambrette
Supported by MIKUB e.V.